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Our attempt to achieve the growth and finding careers opportunities to this generous people’s sons exists in our keen concern in establishing strong commercial relationships with our clients through knowing their environment and their direct ambitions, so we can afford tangible solutions which have clear and visible results that needed by our client.
We also aim to continue applying diversification policy in affording security services to our clients, and investing our prolonged experience as a fixed asset in success and excellence, and expanding business and strengthen it with the firm faith that supports us, by employing human resources that have professional experience in implementing best practices and obtaining commercial brand for high quality in offering unique service to our clients. So our values like integrity, teamwork that we ensured to have to achieve our pre-set goals, honesty and pure desire to serve the society with its all classes.
May Allah grants us success

Chairman of the board
Abdelilah Bin Thamer Bin Trad Almelhim
Chairman of the board
Abdelilah Bin Thamer Bin Trad Almelhim

Alsanadid establishment for private civil security guards has been established in 2011 in Riyadh capital under license no.303 issued by the minister of interior, and started its work since that date, having everybody’s attention in spite of having a great rivalry in the security market.
We worked so hard, starting from our strong desire to flourishing the establishment and expanding its works, to fulfill all private civil security’s demands and finding well-trained staff from management, supervisors and security to fulfill establishment’s goals and prospects to be pioneer and special under the pioneer and inclusive rise that witnessed by the kingdom.

The establishment believes in its role in serving the society and keen to satisfy its clients because peace, security and feeling safe are the most important human motives, in addition to continual development in a working environment which reflect the success and professionalism in security market field.

تأسّست مؤسّسة الصناديد للحراسات الأمنية المدنية الخاصّة عام 2011 م في العاصمة الرياض بموجب الترخيص الصادر من مقام وزير الداخلية رقم (303)، وقد باشرت عملها منذ هذا التاريخ، وحظيت باهتمام الجميع رغم وجود المنافسة القويّة لها في السوق الأمني، وانطلاقاً من الرغبة القويّة في ازدهار المؤسّسة وتوسيع أعمالها عملنا جاهدين على تلبية كافّة متطلّبات المجالات الأمنية المدنية الخاصّة، وإيجاد الكادر المدرّب المتميّز من إداريين، ومشرفين، ورجال أمن يعملون من أجل تحقيق أهداف وتطلّعات المؤسّسة لتكونَ رائدة ومميّزة في ظلّ النهضة الرائدة والشاملة التي تشهدها المملكة؛ لأنّ الأمن والأمان والشعور بالطمأنينة من أهمّ الدوافع الإنسانية، فالمؤسّسة مؤمنة بدورها في خدمة المجتمع، وحريصة على إرضاء عملائها بالإضافة إلى التطوير المستمر في بيئة العمل مما انعكس عليها بالنجاح والاحترافية في مجال السوق الأمني.
Executive Manager
Colonel aviator
Abd Allah Bin Bashir Alfaqeir
Executive Manager
Colonel aviator
Abd Allah Bin Bashir Alfaqeir
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